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 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.

Summer dusk on Charles’ river

Recently I did not had/took a lot of opportunities to practice photography as I used to do when I was abroad…It seems quite usual to be more lazy when back home, the typical “I-have-time, I-can-take-that-picture-tomorrow” syndrome.. I’ll try to do better in 2020…But in the meantime, I still have some archive to explore, like these […]

 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.


It was one of these foggy days where everything seems to fade to white. Being in Acadia National Park only for a few days, we left our small cabin for an early walk around Jordan Pond. Apart a couple of humans and some deers, we were alone in the world. Among various images captured that […]

 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.
Winter twilight over Boston

Blue snow

After the 4th Jan New England snow storm, when the wind was bringing the perceived temperature close to -32celsius, the same two guys were again at their favorite spot to capture the illusion of a warm dusk light…

 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.

Dark ice

New England winter can be a real experience…and taking pictures at night by -22celsius is certainly something to be considered seriously…Multiple clothes layers, multiple batteries, a long preparation for a few hours of silent joy… With a friend, we were two shadows silently capturing Boston lights distorted by the frozen waves of the Charles river… […]

 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.
Heavy Runner Mountain, Glacier National Park

Scale and Depth

On our way to Yellowstone two years ago, we had the chance to discover Glacier National Park. While the landscapes were not as unique as some other US Parks, it was still breathtaking to be there. It’s one of these places that push you to use a medium or large format cameras, just because it […]

 Jean-Michel LAURENTI.
Street, Travel


It requires talent, when arriving in a new place, to immediately take pictures capturing the essence of the site. Unfortunately, for me it’s a process that usually takes time and multiple trials… But later on, when looking back to these “first” images, some may still have a soul, keeping trace of the photographer’s initial and […]

 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.

Empty streets of Philadelphia

We were living in Boston since a few months when we decided to visit Philadelphia. It was our first Thanksgiving in the US, so we thought it will be a perfect long WE… I can’t remember how long it took just to find an open restaurant in the desert city…

 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.

Modern maze

When the most familiar scene becomes strange through the viewfinder… 🙂

 Copyright © Jean-Michel Laurenti. All Rights Reserved.


One hour from Boston, there is a place allowing visitors to see what it was to live almost 2 centuries ago, with real houses from that period (1830), or people working or cooking with old clothes and tools: Old Sturbridge Village. While the whole concept is globally fine, I found more interesting to spent time […]